Psoriasis in the face: symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is one of the most unpleasant dermatologic conditions. The most common are psoriatic eruptions on the extremities and trunk. And can psoriasis be on your face? Unfortunately, you can, and offers plenty of unpleasant experiences for patients suffering from this disease.

the symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The initial phase of psoriasis on the face typically manifests itself in late autumn or in the winter. At this time the skin becomes especially vulnerable. The precursor of the disease becomes unbearable itching. The symptoms of the initial phase of psoriasis on the face is very similar to the food allergy or the ordinary of the irritation of the skin appear inflamed, spots of small size (approximately as the head of a pin), located mainly on the forehead or the cheeks. However, with the passage of time is increased in size and, by joining, they take the form of a compacted knot — papules, have a pale green color, red color, scarlet. Particularly intense this happens, if you comb papules, what is absolutely impossible, because in their place can form scars. Little by little, eruptions begin to cover the nasolabial triangle and the wings of the nose, the front of the area of the lips, to penetrate under the hair, disposed in the ears, covering virtually the entire front area.

More signs of the disease may be characterized as a "combination of three phenomena":

  • The card wrap soft scales;
  • When you return to the office scales below them is detected alai skin, as if covered in glitter (terminal lm);
  • If you follow the proper skin, it begins to damage and result in small droplets of blood (the blood rose).

In the adult age, more common is seborrheic psoriasis in the face with the feature of psoriatic "the crown" — influx of papules at the border with the part of the head. The contrast of the cortex, are formed, the crack, causing a lot of pain. For children it is most common type of psoriasis of the skin of the person, called teardrop. At the beginning of the disease may take for trivial diathesis.

The causes of the

Psoriasis, including psoriasis on the face, not without reason, is considered one of the most mysterious of diseases. The debate over its etiology is not calm until now. Among the specialists there are followers of the primary endocrine, autoimmune, psychosomatic theories, and lately it is becoming more popular theory of the emergence of psoriasis. To some extent this is confirmed and omnipresent statistics states that one out of every three of every four sufferers from this Dermatosis any of the close relatives, it is your carrier. Does not cause special disputes among the specialists, perhaps, only three circumstances:

  • The disease is polietiologic nature: to explain their origin a cause not can;
  • This pathology can in years, even tens of years to come in the stable phase of remission, but a definitive cure of the same, it doesn't come;
  • the transfer of the psoriasis through direct contact excludes: it is not contagious.

Be that as it may, but psoriatic eruptions, capable of covering virtually any part of the body, including some you can't hide from the stares of others, they bear the psychological discomfort in the first place – the sick.

Types of psoriasis on the face

In and of itself, a disease that has a very complicated classification, with a multitude of varieties. By the type of course of your can be divided into two large groups: with pustular and non-pustular progress. It is curious that each of the types has its "privilegium" areas of defeat. This especially applies to not subject to a common classification species isolated from, for example, seborrheal such a manifestation. This greatly helps doctors make an accurate diagnosis, therefore, and decide what is the best tactic of the therapy.

According to the degree of severity of incidence vary light and heavy duty form of psoriasis – depending on the total surface area of the defeat and of the system manifestations of the disease.

It should be noted, that the person does not belong to the most typical of the areas psoriatic the defeat. In any case, for him the most specific to seborrheic of how vulgar psoriasis, which subsequently extends to the border with hairdryer and robe forward, beneath it, producing, at first sight, the normal printing of the dandruff.

The stage of the disease

Psoriasis on the face is observed a rapid development due to the receptivity of the skin in this area. On the initial stage of psoriasis on the face we have already detailed counted. Followed by the stage, called fixed, when the plates acquire the light tones, the papules form becomes rounded with silvery scales. As a general rule, these changes are manifested for approximately one month after the onset of the disease.

The next stage is considered to be cushioned. At this stage of the platelet, not much highlight on the skin and pale. The desire to comb it passes, papules cincta dense and corneum of the labrum. This process continues, on average, two to six months.

to cure psoriasis on the face

To cure psoriasis on the face?

The treatment of the disease you are dealing with a doctor dermatologist, and already at the first suspicion that the psoriasis is a visit to him is not worth to postpone: the earlier you start the treatment, as fast facial psoriasis will go into a remission phase. At the same time, it should be understood that the treatment of psoriasis – a long and difficult process. No miraculous drugs do not exist, and the therapy involves a comprehensive solution with the application of different mechanisms of exposure.

Ointment for the treatment of psoriasis on the face

The most effective way to combat the disease are foreign with the tool in the form of ointments, lotions, creams. The widespread use because of their effectiveness are ointment for the person psoriasis: such as hormonal, and do not contain hormones. At this, the first are stronger, but the little time of exposure, since that leads quickly to the death of the body, and the subsequent of the new revolution of the sharpening. The drug is, in general, psoriasis on the face of adults. Non-hormonal, they act slowly, however, provide a referral to more long-term.

That stain the face of the psoriasis?

We know the following non-hormonal tools for the treatment of psoriasis of the skin of the face:

  • to remove the scaling apply salicylic acid ointment, and mixed salicylic zinc provides an anti-inflammatory effect and dry affected skin;
  • excellent anti-witness to have the ointment on the basis of which is present in the tar or grease lubricacin;
  • the ointment of zinc that protects the skin against the negative effects on the outside environment, reduces the swelling, struggling with burning;
  • the overwhelming influence on the diseased cells have ointments that contain vitamin D;
  • antipruritic effect are famous by oily medicines, especially necessary when the acute phase of the disease came to an end and recovery begins;
  • for the hydration of the epidermis is to apply ointments based on plant extracts with a content of calendula, celandine, chamomile and other medicinal plants.

Hormonal ointment is differentiated by the force of its impact: relatively weak, the most powerful.

As a general rule, the ointment for the person of the psoriasis should be applied before bedtime, when the body is in full peace – in this case, the treatment effect is much greater.

In view of the numerous side effects of hormone drugs, should be applied with a high degree of caution, and only after the indications of your doctor. The medication is expressly prohibited – that can lead to irreversible consequences for health.

Room therapy treatments

In addition to medication are applied physiotherapy procedures.

Excellent sedative effect give daily sessions of electrosleep, of a duration of 20 minutes to half an hour, in the period of, at least, a week. Photochemotherapy and ultraviolet rays are appointed by the doctor in the periods of attenuation of the disease and help to increase the remission time. In some cases, it can be assigned x-ray exposure of the affected areas. The most secure in this sense, is considered to be the laser therapy.

The perfect complement to the main treatment is the hygiene of vacation therapy.

The pharmacological treatment

In terms of the drugs that are prescribed only when confirmed and execution of forms in the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis on the face. These tools include, in particular:

  • cytostatic, a decrease in the division epitelyarnyh of the cells, in the form of, for example, methotrexate;
  • immune-depressants of the type of cyclosporine, the vast leakage of autoimmune processes;
  • corticosteroids for internal use;
  • biologically active substances avastin and alefacept, the blocking of the reproduction of pathological cells.

The reception of all these medicines is carried out only under the control treatments.

Home remedies for psoriasis on the face

The treatment of psoriasis on face remedies also gives a positive result, but only when you apply them under medical control and are combined with other methods of combating the disease. On the basis of the remedies of the traditional medicine – natural components, so it is recommended even for the treatment of children. They recommend all sorts of herbal teas, baths with decoctions of drugs, ointments, and masks for the face on psoriasis, created by "using the recipes". For example, well soothe the skin salt masks superimposed over the face clean is the best sea salt), tar of the mask and ointments. Good effect of sea buckthorn oil, which has as its exterior, as well as the internal use, as well as the lavender and coconut, oil. It is recommended the consumption of vegetables and fruits that contain carotene, pumpkin, fruit, with red and orange colouring. A result also given homeopathic remedies.

Despite the complexity of the disease, the main part of the treatment of psoriasis on the face is done in the household (with rare exceptions). The importance of an exact control of the execution of the bad practice of the guidance, which include:

  • the rigorous skin hygiene and protection of all kinds of negative impacts: mechanical, climatic, ecological;
  • the compliance of the diet, especially in periods of exacerbation of psoriasis on the face. You must completely abandon irritants and allergens, tobacco products and alcoholic beverages;
  • a regular visit to a dermatologist

And now the answer to the main question: how to get rid of psoriasis on the face?

Unfortunately, completely cure the disease can not. However, conducting medical prescribing, noting the measures of prevention and keeping the right mental attitude, you can maximize the duration of remission periods, while maintaining a high quality of life.